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Introducing Baudrillard’s theory of hyperreality – Times of Malta

Link:   Introducing Baudrillard’s theory of hyperreality Talk to be held at Arthall Gozo in Victoria CommunityEventsGozo 2 hours ago| Press Release |01 min read Erin Steele, who will deliver the lecture. What do strawberries, Disneyland and the First Gulf War all have in common? They all feature in post-modernist philosopher Jean Baudrillard’s theory of hyperreality. An event happening on Janaury 17 at Arthall Gozo at 7.30pm will discuss Baudrillard’s 1981 treatise Simulacra and Simulation (which partially inspired The Matrix) and explore the relationship between reality, symbols and society. The talk will be delivered by armchair philosopher and long-time Gozo resident Erin Steele,...

Art inspired by nature – Times of Malta Graham Gurr is prolific in his output, having eclectic interests in his artistic practice April 21, 2024, Times of Malta| Article by Esther Lafferty Trickly From April 26 to May 19, Arthall Gozo is presenting a new exhibition, Vivid, a solo show by Gozo-based artist Graham Gurr. In the airy white space in the heart of old Victoria, Gurr’s giant canvases are larger than life, taller than the artist himself and bursting with resplendent colour. Prolific in his output, and with eclectic interests in his artistic practice, Gurr has long been known on the island for his architectural drawings and...

VIVID – new exhibition with Graham Gurr at Arthall in Gozo

Link: VIVID – new exhibition with Graham Gurr at Arthall in Gozo BY GOZO NEWS · APRIL 6, 2024 Later this month, Arthall in Gozo will be hosting VIVID – the first solo exhibition by local artist Graham Gurr. With large canvases painted with strikingly bright and intense colours, the artist invites the public to delve into a world of celebration and good vibes. Fantasy lands painted partly with flatness and naivety are put together like patchwork. The gallery said that the exhibition also includes two large paintings filled with human shapes in a pop art style: a social commentary on...

‘ArtHall’ f’Għawdex tagħti bidu għall-Programm tas-sena bil-Wirja Kollettiva ‘Reflections’ – Illum

Link: Fis-6 ta’ Jannar, fetħet il-wirja ‘Reflections’ f’Arthall, fir-Rabat Għawdex. Il-wirja hija sforz kollaborattiv bejn it-tliet artisti Tomas Hed, Kristina Huxley, u Jane Birchall 17 ta’ Jannar 2024 12:30 Fis-6 ta’ Jannar, fetħet il-wirja ‘Reflections’ f’Arthall, fir-Rabat Għawdex. Il-wirja hija sforz kollaborattiv bejn it-tliet artisti Tomas Hed, Kristina Huxley, u Jane Birchall. L-artisti qed jesponu xogħlijiet mill-kollezzjonijiet individwali tagħhom, li kollha jsegwu t-tema ġenerali ta’ ‘Reflections’, iżda jvarjaw fil-mezz u fl-interpretazzjoni. Ix-xogħlijiet jittrattaw, kemm il-limiti bejn dak li nipperċepixxu u r-realtà, kif ukoll il-post tagħna fis-soċjetà. Barra minn hekk, l-artisti jesploraw kif is-sensi jaffettwaw l-esperjenza tar-realtà tagħna. Il-viżitaturi jistgħu...

Gozo’s ArtHall Kicks Off Year With Collective Exhibition ‘Reflections’ – Oh, My Malta

Link: LEFT TO RIGHT: ‘CATACLYSM II’ BY KRISTINA HUXLEY, CERAMIC BY JANE BIRCHALL, AND ‘DUENDE’ BY TOMAS HED Lisa Abigail Calleja January 10, 2024 A collective exhibition titled ‘Reflections’ is currently on at Arthall Gozo in Victoria. The exhibition showcases the works of Tomas Hed, Kristina Huxley and Jane Birchall. Having opened last Saturday on January 6, ‘Reflections’ is kicking off Arthall Gozo’s 2024 programme. The exhibition is a collaborative effort between three artists who each are displaying works from their individual collections, which all differ in terms of medium, but follow the overarching theme of ‘Reflections’. The pieces...

Collective exhibition opens Arthall Gozo’s 2024 programme – Times of Malta

Link: ‘Reflection’ runs from January 6 to 28 EntertainmentArtExhibitionGozo January 4, 2023| Esther Lafferty|04 min read ‘Give or Take’ by Tomas Hed Reflection is a new exhibition to kick start Arthall Gozo’s 2024 programme. The show is collaboration bet­ween three artists with a brand new collection from resi­dent artist Tomas Hed, a debut gallery show in Malta for Gozo ceramicist Jane Birchall and two paintings by Irish artist Kristina Huxley (whose work is in the permanent collection of the Rothko Museum) that reflect the light so they serve like a mirror, including the context and the viewer in the picture. The...

Talk on sound and awareness – Times of Malta

Link: Talk on sound and awareness to be held at Gozo’s Arthall Audiences are invited to share their thoughts, queries and insights EntertainmentLectureMusicGozo 17 de setembre de 2023| Press Release |01 min read Interactive talk that delves into the potential of sound as a tool for healing. Photo: Arthall in Gozo is hosting an interactive talk that delves into the potential of sound as a tool for healing, enhancing focus and accessing heightened states of awareness. “Through a combination of demonstration and participation, we will explore how the subtle nuances of sound can be harnessed for our benefit,” say the...

A Sound Journey – Gozo talk on the “remarkable potential of sound”

Link: Following a break for the summer, Arthall in Gozo will be holding the next in its series of talks, which will be with Master Nivek & Sankara entitled – A Sound Journey. The gallery is extending an invitation to join them for a “captivating and interactive talk that delves into the remarkable potential of sound as a tool for healing, enhancing focus, inducing relaxation, and even transcending into heightened states of awareness.” It explained that “facilitated by Nivek and Sankara, this engaging playshop is designed to showcase the profound effects of sound on our well-being. Through a combination...

Talk on Jodorowsky’s ‘Dune’ at Gozo’s Arthall – Times of Malta

Link to Times of malta article: Talk on Jodorowsky’s ‘Dune’ at Gozo’s Arthall Mikolaj Kubera will discuss the Chilean-French director’s visioin EntertainmentFilmLectureGozo 23 d’abril de 2023| Press Release |01 min read The surrealist director Alejandro Jodorowsky. Photo: Joel Saget/AFP ArtHall is hosting a talk about Chilean-French surrealist director, Alejandro Jodorowsky. In 1973, the controversial director attempted to trans­­form Frank Herbert’s epic science fiction novel, Dune, into a film. His vision was to bring together a group of artists he referred to as ‘spiritual warriors’ and who were meant to star in the movie. Among these were film director and actor Orson Welles,...

Talk to explore the philosophy of Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ -Times of Malta

Link: Talk to explore the philosophy of Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ The album has long been hailed as being revolutionary EntertainmentLectureMusicGozo 19 de març de 2023| Times of Malta |02 min read The album cover of the classic rock band Pink Floyd’s ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’, released in 1973. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the album. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Arthall in Gozo will mark the 50th anniversary of the album The Dark Side of the Moon, released by Pink Floyd in 1973, with a talk by Ian Rizzo on the philosophical underpinnings of the classic...