-Artists: Luca Indraccolo, Heiko Jörges and Tomas Hed
– Dates: 30 October – 29 November 2020
– Venue: Arthall: 8, triq Agius de Soldanis, Victoria, Gozo.
– Opening hours: Monday/Tuesday: closed
Wednesday/ Thursday/Friday/Saturday: 10-13 and 17-19
Sunday: 10-12
– Website: arthallgozo.com
– Description:
Arthall presents “LIQUID ART” with Luca Indraccolo, Heiko Jörges and Tomas Hed.
Thrown in a world where there are no longer ‘solid’ values, where everything changes constantly before it’s even consolidated, it looks like the only way to keep going is to keep moving.
Zygmunt Bauman claims in Liquid Life that “Unlike the preceding era of ‘solid’ modernity lived towards ‘eternity’ (shorthand for a state of perpetual, monotonous and irrevocable sameness) -liquid modernity sets itself no objective and draws no finishing line; more precisely, it assigns the quality of permanence solely to the state of transience. Time flows -it no longer ‘marches on’”.
‘Liquidity’ means in this exhibition that there are no holy values to respect, life and death are mixed indistinctly , time is not linear any more. The concept defines a culture of discontinuity that requires constant replacement and generates big amounts of rubbish.
All these ideas are expressed in “Liquid art” in different ways. Luca Indraccolo participates with two paintings where life and death coexist hand in hand like in covid-19 times. Heiko Jörges creates unusual figures sculpted with ephemeral materials and all sorts of found objects. And Tomas Hed focused on the art that makes no reverences to dogmas.
The exhibition will open on Friday 30 October on regular opening times. However, after 7pm, Swedish musician Lars Lundgren will be playing improvised ‘liquid’ music at Arthall.
-Participating Artists:
Luca Indraccolo, born in Naples, left Italy at the age of 19 to start his advertising career ending up as a creative director for Saatchi & Saatchi London. His work led him to live in several countries, including Germany, England and USA, where he began his drawing training. Realising that fine art was his true calling, he moved first to Florence to pursue his academic training, and then to London, and now Malta where he is based working as a painter
Heiko Jörges is a multifaceted, innovative and original artist with a very peculiar point of view of reality. Originally he is German, but he has lived in different countries, constantly learning and developing his talents. He has worked in different areas such as lawyer, translator, actor, writer, photographer, and all this gives a great richness to his works.
Tomas Hed, originally from Sweden, lives in Gozo, where he lets his imagination and creativity go wild. Here he has found his place to exploit his talents: composing music, writing and, of course, painting. He worked for many years as an Art Director in Stockholm, having his own studio in Gamla Stan, the old part of the city. The spirit of his art is inspired by an indomitable character, with a special obsession for challenging values, or “bubbles” as he calls them, of our daily life.