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Talk on Jodorowsky’s ‘Dune’ at Gozo’s Arthall – Times of Malta

Link to Times of malta article: Talk on Jodorowsky’s ‘Dune’ at Gozo’s Arthall Mikolaj Kubera will discuss the Chilean-French director’s visioin EntertainmentFilmLectureGozo 23 d’abril de 2023| Press Release |01 min read The surrealist director Alejandro Jodorowsky. Photo: Joel Saget/AFP ArtHall is hosting a talk about Chilean-French surrealist director, Alejandro Jodorowsky. In 1973, the controversial director attempted...

12th May 202312th May 2023

Talk to explore the philosophy of Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ -Times of Malta

Link: Talk to explore the philosophy of Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ The album has long been hailed as being revolutionary EntertainmentLectureMusicGozo 19 de març de 2023| Times of Malta |02 min read The album cover of the classic rock band Pink Floyd’s ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’, released in 1973. This year...

23rd March 202323rd March 2023

Gozo’s Arthall to host talk on William Blake – Times of Malta

Link: ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’ will be introduced by Mikolaj “Nick” Kubera through mixed media analysis EntertainmentBooksLectureVictoria 26 de febrer de 2023| Times of Malta |02 min read   Title page of ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’ by William Blake. Photo: Wikimedia Commons A lecture on the English Romantic poet William Blake’s The Marriage...

1st March 20231st March 2023

William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell at Arthall, Gozo News.

Link: BY GOZO NEWS · FEBRUARY 17, 2023 Arthall in Gozo has announced the next in its series of talks – William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, by Mikolaj “Nick” Kubera, which will be held next month. In 1790 the English mystic, artist, poet and printmaker William Blake wrote his 27 pages long magnum...

17th February 202317th February 2023

Artmaking at Arthall with Joséphine A. Garibaldi and Paul Zmolek. Gozo News

Link to gozo News: BY GOZO NEWS · FEBRUARY 7, 2023 The public is invited to Arthall, Gozo, this Friday to view new works by American guest artists, Joséphine A. Garibaldi and Paul Zmolek. Artists in residence in Gozo for a short time, Garibaldi and Zmolek, founders of Callous Physical Theatre, will highlight work made while...

12th February 202312th February 2023

ArtHall Artmaking – Callous Physical Theatre

LINK: Spent much of the past few days in the subterranean level beneath the ArtHall Gallery. Marta has graciously provided us complete access to the space; giving us a key soon after we met. The basement is damp, a dehumidifier is set to run constantly, with limestone dust from the walls throughout. There is the...

4th February 20235th February 2023

Macbeth – A monologue by David Clark at Arthall. Gozo News. Macbeth – A monologue by David Clark at Arthall, Gozo BY GOZO NEWS · JANUARY 21, 2023 Macbeth – A monologue by David Clark, will be taking place tomorrow, Sunday, the 22nd of January, at the Arthall Gallery in Victoria. David Clark, an American actor who lives in Marseille, will perform Shakespeare’s tragedy at the gallery...

22nd January 202322nd January 2023

One-Man Show Debuts This Month In Gozo – Oh my Malta

Link: One-Man Show Debuts This Month In Gozo On Friday 16 December, Arthall in Gozo will host Mr Split Wakes Up, a new one-man production featuring Jonathan Orchard, an English performance artist, storyteller and yoga retreat leader. Orchard’s work derives from a number of influences, including his time spent living in the legendary Findhorn Community in...

14th December 202214th December 2022

MaltaInsider 2022-2023

MALTAINSIDER 2022-2023, we are in 🙂 Thanks for including us and for the description of the gallery! Arthall Gozo: With a focus on selling and promoting local and international contemporary and modern art. Arthall is a creative space that hosts regular exhibitions, as well as talks and events on various art forms, ranging from music...

7th December 20227th December 2022

Woman that survived – Art performance at Arthall, Gozo – Gozo News

Woman that survived – Art performance at Arthall, Gozo BY GOZO NEWS · OCTOBER 14, 2022 Woman that survived – is the title of the next art performance taking place at the Arthall Gallery in Victoria, Gozo. The performance is by Izabela Klara Biskupska, who is an international artist and performer of Polish origin. Currently she works...

14th October 20221st November 2022