Year: 2020

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Link: Artpaper ISSUE  #11 – Of the framers and the framed by Joanna Delia Artpaper ISSUE  #11 – Curated events  

28th July 202019th January 2022

Times of Malta – Artists come together on the ‘eve of the change’

Online link:  5July 2020 Artists come together on the ‘eve of the change’ The term Splénétique was used in 19th-century Romantic literature, but it was the French poet Charles Baudelaire who was responsible for popularising the term, ‘spleen’ in English, with his 1869 book Paris Spleen. It refers to a particular kind of boredom,...

28th July 202028th July 2020

Times of Malta – Between Ash and Dust by Vince Briffa

Untitled, Lichtung series. Arthall Gozo would like to announce that the series Between Ash and Dust that the artist Vince Briffa was due to show last week at Arthall is now available online. Three newly produced paintings from the series Lichtung have also been added to the collection. Vince Briffa The exhibition Between Ash and...

26th April 202026th April 2020

Gozo News – Fear by Sergio Muscat

Fear – Gozo talk and open discussion with artist Sergio Muscat Philosophy Sharing Gozo has announced its next public talk at the Arthall Gallery. It will be on Friday, the 6th of March at 7:30 pm. This time the subject is – Fear – with artist Sergio Muscat and the talk will be followed by...

6th March 20202nd June 2021

Fear by Sergio Muscat

On Friday 6 March 2020 at 7: 30 pm, we will have next Philosophy Sharing talk by Sergio Muscat “FEAR”. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” – George Addair The subject of fear has always been of great interest to the artist Sergio Muscat, mostly due to its constant...

6th March 20204th June 2021
Between Ash and Dust by Vince Briffa

Between Ash and Dust by Vince Briffa

Friday 3 April, 7:30pm at Arthall: “Between Ash and Dust” by Vince Briffa. This time we will celebrate the Opening Night of our next exhibition with the Artist’s Talk. The talk will focus on the states of the in-between in art practice. The exhibition will be on from 1 to 26 April 2020. ABOUT THE...

Times of Malta – What’s blasphemous and what’s not

Oliver Magro A talk on blasphemy is being held in Gozo today by  Oliver Magro. Magro’s interest in the subject is purely personal and was triggered by the censorship in Malta of the play Stitching in 2009. The play by Scottish playwright Anthony Neilson explores themes of loss, grief and distrust in which a couple...

14th February 202026th April 2020