Shades of Anarchy. 6 May at 7:30 pm
We would like to invite you to our next talk on Friday 6 May, 7:30 pm at Arthall:
Shades of Anarchy: The Black Flag Comes in Many Colours by Erin Steele
Images of chaos, bomb-throwers and punk rock come to mind.
But what if everything you thought you knew about Anarchy was wrong?
From 19th century figures like Emma Goldman, once known as the “the most dangerous woman in America,” to contemporary Bitcoin-championing “crypto-anarchists,” we’ll explore the roots of various anarchist philosophies and thinkers, and discuss where the many anarchist schools of thought fit in our world today.
This talk is presented by Erin Steele, an aspiring food vlogger, amateur art critic, and armchair philosopher who just happens to call Gozo home.